When Huffington Post announced the "All For Good" campaign of the White House for national service, the release stated: "In troubling times it's important for us to come together and lend a hand to our community".
I wrote to HP and described my volunteer work in central New Jersey with couples who need marital therapy and have been hard-hit by the recession.
IMPORTANT: During this dreadful pandemic, both offices are closed and all sessions continue on a normal schedule via ZOOM or Skype.
Therapist: 40 years of experience as a Couples Therapist. 80% success rate in saving marriages on the brink. Offices in Flatbush (Brooklyn) N.Y. and Highland Park, N.J. Specialties: sensitivity to the needs of Observant Couples, marital rescue after infidelity, reviving empty nester marriages, family size decisions, and co-parenting implementer. Author: Creating Your Perfect Family Size: How to Make an Informed Decision About Having a Baby (Wiley 2011)
Motivated by the sad statistic that 90% of divorcing couples don’t receive one hour of counseling, Dr. Singer has been a marriage therapist since 1980 and he counsels couples using ZOOM and Skype. He serves on the speakers bureau of the National Council of Young Israel, is a mental health provider for Relief Resources and is listed on the National Registry of Marriage Friendly Therapists. In addition, he serves as a recovery therapist for the Beyond Affairs Network and he is a Certified Discernment Counselor. twitter.com/DrAlanSinger.
Married for 43 years, Dr. Singer and his wife are the parents of four grown children. He has conducted numerous broadcast and print interviews including: USA Today, Fox Morning News, MSNBC.com & Huffington Post.
His mantra: I Am The Last Person In The Room To Give Up On Your Marriage.
Certified Discernment Therapist
A New Methodology for Helping Couples
As Seen on TV! Dr. Singer on Your Local Station
Huffington Post article highlighting Dr. Alan Singer's work
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